187 Jobs for Engineer found
Engineering ManagerID:70949
120,000 THB ~ 150,000 THBSamutprakarnJob Description
- Lead and manage the engineering team, providing guidance, mentoring, and training to ensure the team's success and professional growth.- Develop and implement production processes and procedures to optimize production efficiency, quality, and safety.- Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including design engineering, production, and quality assurance, to develop and implement new products or processes.- Drive continuous improvement initiatives and lean manufacturing principles to enhance productivity, reduce waste, and improve overall operational performance.- Monitor and analyze production data and metrics to identify areas for improvement and implement corrective actions as needed.- Ensure compliance with company policies, regulatory requirements, and industry standards to maintain a safe and environmentally friendly work environment.- Manage and oversee the implementation of new equipment, technologies, and automation systems to enhance manufacturing capabilities and efficiency.- Develop and manage the engineering budget, ensuring optimal allocation of resources and cost control.- Collaborate with suppliers and vendors to source and evaluate new technologies,- Provide technical support and guidance to resolve complex manufacturing issues, troubleshoot problems, and optimize production output.
- Fix Bonus 2 Months
- Be a permanent employee immediately from the first day of employment
- Uniform
- Shuttle bus
- Food allowance
- Diligence allowance (monthly-annual)
- Social security/life insurance/accident insurance
- Guaranteed bonus/annual salary adjustment
- Vacation days
- Company traditional holidays
- Provident fund
- Length of service award
- Social gathering
- Sports day
- Annual travel
- Various financial assistance
- Annual health check【技術設計アドバイザー】 自動車部品 (ドライバー付き社用車貸与 / タイと日系のJV企業)ID:66274
200,000 THB ~ 300,000 THBChonburiJob Description
【部品設計のエキスパートの方を探しています】ナットやボルトの製造メーカーとして1996年にスタートした同社。総勢280名の同社はビジネス部門、工場部門、管理部門と3つの部門に分かれて、各部門のGMが管掌しています。【募集背景】今回、工場部門で設計のエキスパートの方を募集することになりました。現在の製造工程をさらに磨き上げ、効率の良い生産をしていきたいと考えています。GMと協力しながら、これまで培ってこられた部品設計の知識、経験、技術を社内のメンバーに伝承をしていただき、製造工程の見直し、コスト削減、工場内の改善活動まで幅広く活躍して頂きたいです。【仕事内容】- 顧客からの要望を基に部品の設計- 顧客の要望を満たすだけの部材選定、製造工程の考案、またその実行。- 品質・コストの最適化を行うために各サプライヤーとの折衝- 3Dモデル/図面の作成 その他、エンジニアリング部品表(BOM)や設計データの管理全般。- 初期生産段階での問題解決 【組織】担当していただく工場部門は220名が在籍をしています。今回の募集ポジションはGM直下になります。GMと一緒に協力をして3名のMGおよびエンジニアチームを導いて頂きます。【製品】四輪車や二輪車のエンジン部分などに使われているボルト、ナットなどの部品となります。顧客は日系大手自動車メーカー、タイ大手製造メーカーなどを中心にタイ国内の多数の顧客と取引をしています。
・賞与(年1回 / 22年度実績2カ月)
・一時帰国手当(航空券 年2回)Solution Provider Specialist (BTS Surasak)ID:70878
35,000 THB ~ 70,000 THBBTS (Silom Line)Job Description
- Create and develop sales materials for Automation Studio software- Design hydraulic circuits using Automation Studio, focusing on Japanese end users- Collaborate with internal teams and utilize Group's resources to develop simulation data- Provide technical support and expertise to customers using Automation Studio- Contribute to the sales and promotion of Automation Studio within the Japanese market- Work closely with cross-functional teams to ensure smooth delivery of projects- Other tasks as assigned by Manager
- Social Security Fund
- BONUS (2 times per year / ave 1-1.5 month)
- Salary increasing (1 time per year)
- Car Allowance: 6 THB / km
- Telephone Allowance: 500 THB per month
- Attend company meeting in Japan (company pays all travel fee)
- Annual Health Check UpManufacturing Manager ID:70943
80,000 THB ~ 100,000 THBPrachinburiJob Description
• Leads and manages a diverse Engineering Team encompassing:• Technical Infrastructure Specification• Development of Work Instructions• Designing and implementing technical studies e.g. Time in Motion• Supporting associated IT developments• Technical support for products and product conditioning procedures• Technical drawings and documentation generation and control• Process improvement and validation activities• Technical and Quality Approval Process• Adheres to Change Control processes (ECO) and development thereof.• Adheres to Quality Procedures and development thereof for the team.• Develops and manages Engineering resources to achieve business objectives.• Inspires engineering teams to deliver excellence in creative design, qualification and technical support services.• Provides technical expertise and support for Service Centers.• Project Manager and leader for complex technical projects, organizational development and continuous improvement projects involving engineering and other cross functional team members.• Leads, directs and supports customized service offerings• Manages department budget and finances• Follows company policies and practices as outlined in the Employee Handbook, AWAIR and/or applicable employment agreement. Follows safety guidelines and procedures in accordance to the job.• Performs additional duties as assigned.
- Bonus
- Meal allowance
- Transportation allowance
- Provident fund
- Group life insurance
- Health insurance
- Company trip
- New Year's partySales Engineer *PathumthaniID:70244
25,000 THB ~ 40,000 THBPathumthaniJob Description
- Responsible for equipment sales of products such as mixers and related machinery/equipments- Target industries include industrial chemicals, ceramics/glass, casting/steel, and pharmaceuticals/foods- Conduct product presentations, demo tests, and provide quotations to potential customers- Negotiate contracts and collaborate with HQ mixing technology engineers to determine project requirements and equipment specifications- Perform tests to propose optimal material processing methods based on customer needs- Attend client meetings, trade shows, and company meetings as required- Focus on growing existing customer base and actively develop new accounts- Support management and follow Sales General Manager directives- Attend business travels and overnight travel may be required- Occasionally attend training in Japan headquarters - Other tasks assigned by the managements
- Social Security
- Medical insurance
- Fixed Bonus
- Performance Bonus
- Commuting/Gas allowance
- Language Allowance
- Meal allowance
- Salary adjustment
- Company phone
- Uniform
- Company party【繊維工場の納期管理スタッフ】繊維加工業者(大手商社との合弁会社)ID:68134
60,000 THB ~ 100,000 THBSamutprakarnJob Description
【会社概要】当社は、お客様から生機をお預かりし、自社工場で繊維染色を請け負う賃加工会社です。【リーラコーエンからのおすすめポイント】☆業界経験が活かせる【採用背景】増員として、即戦力人材を1名募集致します。【業務内容】・材料に適した染色方法や薬品を選定し、最適なプロセスを設計する・規定の品質基準に合わせ、染色後の生地の色合いや均一性を確認する・染色機械や関連設備の点検・保守を行い、正常な稼働を確保する・生産部門との間で、納期確認を行う・材料に適した染色方法や薬品を選定し、最適なプロセスを設計する・規定の品質基準に合わせ、染色後の生地の色合いや均一性を確認する・染色機械や関連設備の点検・保守を行い、正常な稼働を確保する・生産部門との間で、納期確認を行う【組織】社内 :300名上司 :工場長
0-3年未満 0%
3-5年未満 25%
5-10年未満 50%
10-15年未満 75%
15年以上 100%Mold EngineerID:70942
25,000 THB ~ 27,000 THBRama IIJob Description
- Design and improve molds and draft drawings - Contact and coordinate with the mold company to fix - Plan maintenance/repair of molds - Solve problems related to molds - Analyze and review preventive maintenance plans. - Mold experiment design - Solve problems arising from mold experiments. - Plan and execute every mold ready for production. - Other tasks as assigned
Maintenance EngineerID:70941
25,000 THB ~ 27,000 THBBangnaJob Description
- Plan and coordinate with relevant departments to ensure efficient machine maintenance. - Responsible for building or repairing various equipment in the factory, including supporting the creation of various tools. and public utility systems - Participate in planning and being responsible for building, improving, and controlling project work and coordinating with relevant departments. - Contact and coordinate with suppliers to request prices for various spare parts. - Plan, distribute and control preventive maintenance work of machines to be efficient. - Other tasks assigned
Mold Design Engineer (Japanese speaking)ID:70938
35,000 THB ~ 40,000 THBChonburiJob Description
- Design New model mold under Customer required.- Improvement current mold.- Produce the products according to specified standards.- Other assignment by Superior.
- Uniform
- Transportation Allowance
- Life & Health Insurance
- Meal Allowance
- OT Meal Allowance
- Shift Allowance
- Diligent Allowance
- Social Security
- Compensation Fund
- Salary up
- Bonus
- New Year Party
- Provident FundService Engineer (Chemical Department)ID:70917
20,000 THB ~ 27,000 THBBTS (Sukhumvit Line), BangnaJob Description
【Our business】We are a company primarily engaged in the manufacturing and sales of electronic components. This Thailand branch is part of the Tamura Corporation group, headquartered in Japan, and specializes in producing electronic components such as coils for power supplies, transformers, and sensors. These components are widely used across various industries, including automotive, consumer electronics, and energy sectors.【Hiring reason】We are looking for new team members to strengthen our team and drive further growth!【Job summary】- Technical support such as repairing, installation, testing, troubleshooting, maintenance and service training- Making plan to produce products based on customers- Install new machine and maintenance at customer’s site- After sales service- Other tasks assigned
- Bonus (December, Average3 months)
- Provident Fund
- Health check up(1 years after join)
- Health insurance(AIA)
- Social Security fund
- Car Maintenance
- Gasoline fee(Actual cost to visit client)
- No commission